Poetic Echoes

As a part of the monthly activities, the “Poetic Echoes” event was held for Classes 1 to 5, where students participated in  Hindi and Konkani poem recitation competition. The activtiy aimed to enhance students’ public speaking skills, foster an appreciation for literature, and celebrate the cultural richness of both languages.

Students from each grade level selected a Hindi or Konkani poem to recite, showcasing their speaking and memorization skills. The activtiy was filled with enthusiasm as students performed with clarity and expression, impressing the audience of teachers, parents, and fellow students.

The competition was categorized into two groups: Classes 1-2 and Classes 3-5. The performances were judged based on Confidence , Expression, Content and  Fluency.

Overall, the “Poetic Echoes” event was a resounding success, allowing students to confidently express themselves and deepen their connection to poetry and language.

Tr. Coordinator- Tr. Rachna Thakur , Tr. Sharmila Naik.