Independence day

Vidya Vikas Academy celebrated the 75th Independence Day keeping in mind the norms of social distancing. The programme started with a warm welcome by Tr. Rachna Thakur. The Principal, Mrs. Joble Bijoy hoisted the flag which was follwed by the singing of the national anthem.

Addressing the gathering, the Principal spoke about the significance of the day and encouraged the teachers to work with zeal and passion.
Sir Neil D’Cruz , Sir Saturnino Fernandes Tr. Reshma Raikar and Tr. Tanula Cotta spread the feelings of patriotism by singing a melodious patriotic song which was followed by the vote of thanks by Tr. Satya Sharma.
The programme concluded with the singing of the national song ‘Vande Mataram’ by Tr.Yashvi Sambary and Tr. Farheen Khan.
A special Virtual presentation on Independence Day was shared with the students.


Co-ordinators: Tr.Rachna Thakur and Tr. Satya Sharma