School Level Painting Competition on Energy Conservation (September 2022) – Art Department, VVA.

‘Let us rise and complete our duty, Save energy for the Nation.’

A School level Painting competition on Energy Conservation was conducted by the Art Department of Vidya Vikas Academy for students of classes 5th to 10th.

The themes given for Group A ( Classes 5th  to 7th) were:

‘Light the candle of Patriotism, Save Energy for the Nation’

and ‘Let’s make a world of dreams, by creating rule of energy saving.’

The themes given for Group B ( Classes 8th  to 10th) were:

‘ Let’s write the future, Switch to Electric Vehicle.’

Students created beautiful posters on energy conservation.

Following are the two best entries selected from each category:

Group A ( Classes 5th to 7th)

1) Archi Katker (5B)

2) Pranathi Bapat  (5B Group B ( Classes 8th to 10th)

1) Aditi Inavalli ( 8A)

2) Yash Mahesh Desai ( 9A)

These students will get an opportunity to represent VVA at the State Level Competition.

Co ordinators Hema Cacodcar  and Vedika Naik