Leadership Camp

“Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.” Warren Bennis

Leadership camp was organized by Vidya Vikas Academy on 20th October, 2020 in Vidya Vikas Academy Campus, Margao – Goa for the students of classes 5. The objective of the camp was to inculcate in them leadership qualities , the sense of team spirit, responsibility and boost their confidence.About 59 students attended the camp.

The day began with morning prayer followed by ‘Laughter Yoga’ session by Tr. Ashutosh. The students then had their  breakfast and were headed to the activity hall where Mr Allan D’souza conducted a session on leadership skills where he explained the meaning and importance of it through stories and examples from Mahatma Gandhi’s life. Mr Allan  and Mr. Arulraj conducted various activities like  magic tricks, song and games which involved taking initiative,  teamwork, leadership qualities etc. Followed by games  conducted by Tr Balika and Tr. Manju which the students thoroughly enjoyed.

After lunch break a treasure hunt was conducted by the class teachers and team where students learnt how to achieve goals using team work. Art and Drama activity was conducted by Tr Vedika and Tr Kimberly where the students learnt how to make puppets and use them to demonstrate a story. Students then had a jam up cum dance session by Tr Manjunath, Gladson, Cidroy and Tr Reshma in which they participated actively. After tea break the students were then taught how to make their own rockets using paper by Tr. Daniel and Vinayak.

Takeaways were then distributed at the end of the session by the class teachers.The students enjoyed themselves to the fullest.

Teachers Incharge

Class Teachers

5 A – Rochell Fernandes ,5 B – Valanka Fernandes ,5 C – Jeria Coutinho