Vidya Vikas Academy organised a monsoon trek to Padi village in Quepem for classes 11 and 12 on the 22nd of July 2023. We travelled through the seasonal fog and drizzle for the better part of an hour, singing along to songs with the fellow mates. The trek was split into two sections, with the initial hike having an elevation for us to overcome. The rain that fell in regular fashion, refreshed and rejuvenated us with renewed spirits.
The second section of the trek had us walking through the luscious greenery which showcased a beautiful vista with green hills obscured by the weather. The games conducted provided an opportunity that strengthened the remarkable bond between the teachers and students, wherein all got together as one cohesive family . The trek has been efficient in bridging the gap between the students from different divisions while allowing an opportunity to strengthen the pre-existing bonds among the students . The monsoon trek has indeed been an experience worth to be cherished.
Teacher Coordinator: Section Heads, Reema K