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Vidya Vikas Academy

Vidya Vikas Academy, founded on July 2, 1994, the school had its fair share of teething troubles, but has braved the storms and risen to prominence, blazing a trail of success as one of the finest schools in the State of Goa.

Affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), New Delhi, and recognized by the Directorate of Education, Government of Goa, the School does its best to impart education rather than mere knowledge. The school has grown by giant leaps and bounds in a short span of time and today, it enjoys the reputation of being one of Goa’s most outstanding schools. 

A casual visit to the school may not reveal chalks at work on the boards, computer screens aglow, palettes and brushes delighting the canvases, drums keeping time in the school band, the sweet sound of the ivories from the Music Room, value-based and community projects in progress, the thump of the basketball, bharatnatyman mudras, crossed legs at yoga, flying kicks for self-defense at the karate class, the sweep of brooms as pupils clean their classes, campus and surroundings. But beneath the calm surface is a vibrancy that pervades the myriad activities that together make for a balanced, all-round formation….


The founding principles of our vision enshrines the fundamental drive to ensure all-round growth and the intellectual evolution of every student into patriotic, confident and mature citizens who are prepared to face challenges at global stage, but at the same time are aware of their roots, origin and culture.


Inclusive and collective growth is our Motto. We believe that the truest measure of our performance isn’t marked by mere myopic scholastic growth of a select group of students, but, the depth, quality and all round development of each and every mind seeking education in our school.


E-Newsletter – Vol. V, Issue 9 (November 2020) - Click on the icon to download

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