Monthly Report On Steam Lab

Moore’s Law states that the number of transistors that we use doubles each year, so it is very important to keep updated and learn about the basics of Electronics from an early age. This is where the STEAM Lab comes into picture. STEAM lab does not just cover the Electronics part but also incorporates other fields like General Science, Arts and Mathematics as well. STEAM Lab ensures the all round development of the students.
The beginning of summer vacation marks the time of fun and enjoyment for students and the STEAM lab ensures that the Learning part is not ignored. In an attempt to keep the learning in progress, the STEAM Lab hosted a summer camp for the students from 18th April to 28th April.
Students were given various hands-on activities like ball launcher, popsicle stick catapult and maze designing using straws. These activities help students develop critical thinking and problem solving approach. As mentioned earlier, electronics plays an very important role in our day to day life. So students were briefed about the basic electronic components used in the electronics and machines.
Logical reasoning is another important ability that students need to develop and one of the most basic way of acquiring this ability is by learning the basics of Coding. So in an attempt to develop these skills, Scratch programming sessions were held for the students.
Currently living in the 3D era, so it is of utmost importance to ensure that students develop the 3D designing skills and also know about the various technologies used in printing the 3D objects. The summer camp also covered 3D designing helping them acquire these necessary skills.

Coordinator: Daniel Miranda