VVA conducted a workshop for teachers on NEP – 2020 – the formative years on 17th June 2023

“Education is the movement from darkness to light”.        –Allan Bloom

Vidya Vikas Academy organized a one day workshop on new National Education Policy-2020 on 17 June, 2023. The main objective of this Workshop was to create awareness about the newly launched National Education Policy-2020 amongst teachers and to familiarize them with the skills to help them understand its nuances, curriculum changes, shift in the pedagogical skills and its implementation for the 360 degree holistic development.

Ms. Sabina Roy discussed the features of NEP which can be implemented effectively through stories. She elaborated this by conducting various activities to show how learning can be: Holistic, Integrated, Enjoyable and Engaging.

The Workshop emphasized adapting different teaching styles along with the need to adopt an inter-disciplinary approach in the classroom to provide children with experiential learning and critical thinking skills.

It was an experience thoroughly appreciated by the teachers.