About Vidya Vikas Academy
With a team of talented, caring and strong leaders, Vidya Vikas Academy has been fulfilling its mission of providing collective and inclusive growth to its learners from K – 12. It has undoubtedly been the foremost fountain of knowledge to students as they are exposed to valuable life skills and lasting relationships.Beyond teaching academics, the school has focused on enriching the lives of students in innumerable ways. As the process of a child’s development is rich and complex, a supportive environment and a sense of compassion for others is fostered in the school. Importance of imagination is stressed upon and students are prepared to face the competitive world.
From the Principal’s Desk
I am privileged to lead VVA, an institution whose mission is to provide a happy, positive and a motivating environment to all learners so that they are inspired to reach their full potential. We believe in identifying students’ passion and boosting their self-esteem. Our vision is to develop each & every child into responsible, patriotic and holistic individuals who will participate and contribute to the global society by being deeply rooted in their culture and values. We are dedicated to a continuing tradition of excellence as we prepare students to handle the challenges of tomorrow. A dedicated team of teachers, administrative staff, passionate and cooperative parents and a management imbued with great ... Read more