Shakespeare Fest 2023

Students of Vidya Vikas Academy participated in the twelfth edition of the Shakespeare Fest organised by the department of English of Parvatibai Chowgule College of Arts and Science. The event was held on Saturday, 4th February 2023. VVA students took part in all the events which were Steal-a-Scene; The Bard: The Shakespearean Soliloquy; Friends, Romans,Countrymen! ; Shakes and Ladders! ; Cynosure ; Bedtime Shakespeare and, The Mascot. There were submission events which were Reel2Real Shakespeare! and Campus Shakespeare Awareness!


VVA bagged the overall second place for the fest. The winners of different competitions in the event are as follows:

Event Name Place Secured Participant/s
The Shakespearean Soliloquy First 1. Paaras Bakhle
Steal-a-Scene Second 1. Diva Savkur

2. Ruben Pinheiro

3. Paaras Bakhle

4. Garreth Serrao

5. Delicia Dourado

6. Yuvraj Dalvi

7. Neilsen Gomes

8. Aryan Gaonkar

Friends, Romans, Countrymen! Second 1. Kiandra Moraes
Shakes and Ladders Second 1. Neilsen Gomes

2. Diva Savkur

The Bard Third 1. Melria Gomes
Cynosure Third 1. Arushi Sawant


Teacher in-charge: Blossom D’silva.