World Environment Day

Vidya Vikas Academy conducted a special assembly to observe World Environment Day on 09th June 2022. The assembly was conducted to raise awareness on environmental issues such as marine pollution, population, global warming, sustainable development and wildlife crime.

The World Environment Day is observed every year on 5th June. The theme for this year is “ One Earth:Live sustainably in harmony with nature”. The objectives of the assembly were:

  • To make the students realise the importance of the day.
  • To live sustainably in harmony with nature.
  • To make the students understand importance of earth

The assembly started with an introductory speech by Dora from class 6th explaining the importance of the day. The audience was engaged with a mind boggling quiz on environment of earth. A video was presented to highlight the theme of this year. The assembly was concluded with a song : Mother EarthMother Earth.

 Teachers Incharge :Tr. Priyanka Bhandari, Tr. Shilpa Sukumaran .