PTA and Alumni Associations

1. Parent-Teacher Focus Committee

The VVA-PTFC (Parent Teacher Focus Committee) is a body constituting representatives of Parents and Staff of VVA. The list of parent & staff representatives of the PTFC for the academic year & the schedule of meetings will be available on V-Connect (Fedena – School Software Management System)

Objectives of the PTFC

The objectives of the PTFC are to advance the education,all-round development of the students and to act as link between the parents of each of their respective classes and the Teachers as well as to bring to the notice any issues by deepening and extending relationships between Teachers, Parents.

Constitution of PTFC

  1. The PTFC is further divided into various Focus committees so that maximum representation of parents & suggestions to improve can be explored & implemented.
  2. The focus committees is as follows
    a) Academic … 4 sections viz., Pre-Primary Section, Classes 1 to 4, Classes 5 to 7, Classes 8 to 12.
    b) Sports/ Games
    c) Sanitation / Safety & Traffic Control in Campus
    d) Art / Culture / Music
    e) Resource Persons / Field Trips & Excursion

Eligibility Criteria for PTFC

     1.  Membership to PTFC is for 1 academic year only i.e. from July to March.
     2.  Membership of PTFC
          a) Parents / guardians whose children or wards attend school in VVA.
          b) 3 Parents & 3 Teachers from each section in Academic Focus Committee.
          c) 3 Parents & 3 / 4 Teachers representing the other Focus Committees.
     3.  The membership is subject to approval of the Principal.
     4.  Senior most Teacher will be the Head/ Convenor of the committee.

Roles and Responsibility of the PTFC

  1. The PTFC will meet as per the schedule available on Fedena in the school & make suggestions towards achieving the objective stated above.The suggestions put up by the PTFC, once approved by the Principal in consultation with the school management will be implemented by the PTFC & the school.
  2. The Board of Management of Vidya Vikas Mandal may at its sole discretion modify the objectives, roles & responsibilities of PTFC from time to time.

Code of Conduct:

  1. All PTFC meetings will be held only in the school campus during school hours. Detailed schedule is as provided in Fedena.
  2. No meeting will be held under auspices of the PTFC outside the school or in a public place without the prior written approval of the Principal .
  3. The name of the PTFC and the names of any PTFC members shall not be used in connection with any commercial interest.
  4. No PTFC member will communicate with any outside organization or persons in such capacity.
  5. The PTFC is to support and advance the policies or decisions of the School Management and the above stated objective.
  6. If any classes are taught or workshops conducted or handling traffic by PTFC members, then it is done purely voluntarily.However in case of involvement of any financial or other cost implications,the decision to permit shall be solely taken by the Principal.
  7. The decision of the Principal will be final and binding in any issues requiring resolution

PTFC Meetings:

  1. All the other parents who are not in the PTFC can inform the Parent or Teacher representative of their respective section regarding their concern which needs to be addressed at the PTFC. at least 10 working days before the scheduled PTFC meeting.
  2. Agenda of the meeting will be mailed by the PTFC Head to the Principal & Vice Principal at least 5 working days days prior to the meeting.
  3. Minutes of the PTFC meeting will be mailed to the Principal & Vice Principal within 7 days of the meeting

Vacancies and Replacements:

  1. Upon resignation of any standing member of the PTFC, the School will fill vacancy by appointing a parent from the respective section.The appointed person shall serve only the remaining time that the original committee member would have served.
  2. The Principal has the right to replace any member who violates the code of conduct and communication and appoint a replacement for the vacancy as mentioned above for the remaining tenure of the committee.


  1. All communication by PTFC members in their official capacities will be addressed to the Head of respective committee.
  2. The recommendations & resolutions passed at the PTFC will be put forth by the Principal to the SMC for their perusal &approval.


All committee members act in an honorary capacity, and no member of the PTFC shall receive any remuneration or payment.

Dissolution of PTFC

The PTFC will be automatically dissolved at the end of the academic year (last meeting will be held in March of each academic year).

2. Alumni Association

Who better for today’s students to aspire to than those who have walked in their very shoes?

The Vidya Vikas Academy Alumni Association was formed in the academic year 2006-2007 with our first successful Class 10 ICSE students. Not only did the students help to write our history, but through their continued partnership, they will be an important voice in developing our future. As mentors, they will bring expertise and inspiration to our current students. As volunteer leaders, they will be able to provide invaluable insights and thoughtful direction. And as scholarly adults and accomplished professionals, they will represent the model of excellence

The alumni association is yet another initiative that aims to strengthen the bond among the long and distinguished list of people in the alumni body, as well as with its Alma Mater.

All students who have been part of the academy may become members.