Sand Art Animation – Art room, VVA.
Sand animation is the manipulation of sand to create animation.
Using sand, an artist creates images
– a process which is achieved by applying sand to a surface and then rendering images by drawing lines and figures in the sand with one’s hands.
It is a magical art form that charms.
Watching sand art animation come to life has an extra ordinary effect on spectators.
One is uncontrollably drawn to this seemingly real world made up of sand characters, portraits, trees, mountains and deserts .
The moving sand creates continuously fluid and poetic figures all in harmony.
A visual language is created that transcends linguistic barriers, excites imagination, allows abrupt changes of tones and unexpected images.
Sand art animation can be integrated into storytelling projects as well.
It’s been an exciting medium to learn and explore.
I am sharing with you some of the visuals done in sand art animation at VVA.
Coordinator: Hema Cacodcar