The Shakesphere Festival 2021

The Department of English of Parvatibai Chowgule College of Arts and Science had organised the eleventh edition of the Shakespeare Fest in 2021. Due to the pandemic, the event was conducted online. Students of Vidya Vikas Academy participated in all the events which were, Steal-a-Scene; The Bard; Shakespearean Soliloquy; Friends, Romans, Countrymen! ; Mosaic ! ; Good Luck, Puck; Bedtime Shakespeare; The Mascot and Diorama Drama with great enthusiasm.

VVA bagged the third place for the fest. The winners of different competitions in the online event are as follows:

Event Name Place Secured Participant/s
Diorama Drama First 1) Saharsh Parodkar
Good Luck, Puck Second 1) Tiara Fernandes

2) Manokhi Cabral

Mascot Third 1) Shriv Prabhudesai
Steal-a-Scene Third 1) Saloni Rodrigues

2) Sharada Phadke

3) Suhaani Verlekar

4) Eshaan Gosalia

5) Cleavon Pereira

6) Royce Cardoz

7) Anoushk Kharangate

The Bard Third 1) Pearl Roy

2) Shreeja Gudi

The Shakespearean Soliloquy Third 1) Krisha Kolarangatt


Third 1) Melrich Moraes
Bedtime Shakespeare Third 1) Siddhi Raney

2) Samiya Sayyed

Mosaic Third 1) Navneet Kumar

On the whole, it was an educational yet fun experience for the class 10 and 12 students who got to put their literary skills to test by combining them with drama, music, art and a lot more.

Teacher in-charge: Blossom D’silva.